David Letterman’s Hatred of Sarah Palin

June 11, 2009

Poor Dave. Forced Into a Shotgun Marriage at His Advanced Age. What a Pity!

It was too, too sickening. Julia Roberts’ fawning and teasing 62-year-old David “The Lecher” Letterman on what had prompted America’s most celebrated woman-hater to tie the knot. “I don’t know if I can look you in the eye anymore…” she told him. “Last time I saw you, you were single and then I, like, hypnotized you in my white suit or something and you went off and married Regina.Oh, it was ME, ME, ME, Julia Roberts, who motivated old Dave to sneak out and secretly marry someone he had, for many, many years avoided marrying.

Well … Ms. Roberts, flatter yourself as you may, but YOU had nothing to do with David Letterman’s “shotgun” marriage. Neither did his bride, Regina Lasko, as she had tried and failed in the past to get him to the alter. It was Governor Sarah Palin who came gunning for him and FORCED him kicking and screaming to the alter. Dave was not a happy camper.

Since Sarah Palin appeared on the political scene, David LETTERMAN has been having a misogynist’s dream with ridiculing both her and her seventeen-year-old daughter for not aborting their “undesirable” babies, as any progressive Liberal woman would have done. He became especially obsessed with placing the Scarlet A upon the breast of Governor Palin’s young, underage daughter, whom David Lettermen lampooned as “knocked up.” Yes, you’ve got that right. David Letterman, a sixty-something third-rate comic labelling an underage girl as a slut for getting pregnant. As if the young girl did not already have enough problems, her pregnancy was the object of David Letterman’s vile lechery, night after night on national CBS television.

All the while that David Letterman was condemning Bristol Palin for getting pregnant, or “knocked-up” as was his usual description, he never once saw himself as he really was. He was never able to see his own reflection in a mirror, for if he had he would have seen that he was the superior “male” pot calling the slutty “female” kettle black. David Letterman had “knocked-up” one of his own employees six years prior, and she too refused to get an abortion. How about them apples? Poor Dave. He never once realized what a hypocrite he was until “friends” started pointing it out to him.

Not only his friends, but soon his enemies who were pro-women and supporters of Sarah Palin, began calling him a hypocrite for what he had been doing to the young Palin daughter. While Bristol Palin was condemned to wear the Scarlet A about her neck, lecherous David Letterman was getting lots of laughs from CBS’s audience of drunken and stoned twenty-year-old women-haters just by mentioning the Palin family.

So … one day, tired of being labeled a hypocrite, Old Dave sneaked off with his former “knocked-up” employee and her “out-of -wedlock” five-year-old child and had an official marriage ceremony performed. Looming over Old Dave with her moose-hunting shotgun to his head was Sarah Palin, the unofficial Maid of Honor. Later, David Letterman came to his senses and realized what had happened to him. After all these years of bachelorhood he had been forced into a marriage that he had never intended, to someone who was his definition of a slut who got “knocked-up.” This was a tragic state of affairs for an avowed chauvinist pig.

Knowing that his marriage was totally the fault of the Palins, as soon as he arrived back from his supposed secret honeymoon, off he went on the Palins. That is when he started making fun of the fourteen-year-old Palin daughter. She was not even pregnant, so he made up jokes about her being “knocked up” by a prominent athlete and serving as a prostitute for a former governor of New York.

David Letterman got lots of laughs from a CBS audience of sexual perverts when he described a fourteen-year-old child being raped by a male athlete while she was at a baseball game with her mother, who apparently looked the other way. (The Video) When complaints came in to CBS and Letterman’s advertisers, including Mars M&M Candy, Lexus, Kellogg’s, Olive Garden, Downey, Best Western, Hellman’s, and others about the harm being inflicted upon American women and children by David Letterman’s trivializing rape of a child, the comic, in a brazen show of contempt, followed up by repeating every one of the offensive jokes and more on a following national broadcast. CBS knows that David Letterman is a misogynist bigot, but as long as he is not a conservative misogynist bigot, that is A-okay with CBS.

Dave Letterman on CBS Repeating All of the Same Misogynist Rape Jokes and More about the Daughter of Sarah Palin.

David Letterman’s CBS Apology – raping little girls is not funny unless their mothers are Republican.

David Letterman Jokes about Child Rape

June 10, 2009

It’s so funny because the mother of the thirteen-year-old girl is a Republican. Listen to the audience laughter.

What kind of America do we have now when a late night “dirty old man” comic jokes about a prominent athlete raping a fourteen-year-old child? What kind of culture do we have when his audience laughs uproariously at this portrayal of perversion because the child referred to is the daughter of a Republican woman governor? It should be unacceptable behavior as it is ABUSE of a CHILD … A WOMAN CHILD! Why would any woman, even a Democrat woman, laugh at this? The daughter who accompanied Governor Sarah Palin to the Yankees game, the one who David Letterman is most cruely ridiculing — was born in 1995, hence the target of David Letterman’s humiliation is a girl of only thirteen or fourteen years old.

David Letterman received such jubilant laughter and applause from his audience of twenty-something drunken or stoned women-haters, that he piled on another verbal assault against the young daughter who was accompanying her mother at a baseball game. He described the fourteen-year-old as one of Elliott Spitzer’s prostitutes. Here is the YouTube video of that unbelievable slur by an old man against an innocent child: David Letterman Describes Palin Teenager as a Prostitute.

“David Letterman ‘Jokes’ About the Statutory Rape of 14-Year-Old” by John Nolte

David Letterman is a Sexist Pervert

CBS Rewards David Letterman After Sex Joke Slandering a Child. It is time for women of America to send a strong message to CBS and the companies that advertise with CBS, that using national television to ridicule an innocent fourteen-year-old girl is disgusting.

List of Companies Currently Supporting David Letterman’s Tonight Show on CBS How interesting that the first company on the list is M&M Mars. A 62-year-old sexual pervert seeking young girls probably needs a lot of M&Ms in his cache of bribes for his victims.

This is nothing new with these Liberal Sexist Pig child abusers. I have written of them before when their cruel perversion was targeted at Governor Palin’s older daughter, solely because that seventeen-year-old “CHOSE” not to abort her out-of-wedlock child.

Daily Kos Child Abusers

NPR Slanders Palin Child

ARC XIX and Daily KOS

What Makes Jackie Dance? is about a 4-year-old boy who was attacked by Liberals because his father was a prominent Republican.

Ninety Years of World Peace

June 6, 2009
Flickr Photograph

There is something about history that repeats itself over and over. There is something about humankind that never learns the lesson of history.

The image, John T. McCutcheon: Sons of Peace, 1934, is subject to copyright by americanartmuseum. It is posted here with permission via the Flickr API by barneykin.


Police Protective Fund

June 1, 2009

WHY is “The Police Protective Fund” in Virginia phoning my cell phone? Are they phoning to make me aware that it is dangerous to use a cell phone while driving? Who knows, as when I attempt to return their calls, I get an answering machine that tells me to leave a message in their “full” mailbox.

This is the number they ring me from: 804 225-9092.

If this is another one of those police scams to get me to donate to their police union, I am NOT buying. I pay enough taxes to support my various police departments. In addition to paying their police salaries and benefits, why would I be stupid enough to pay their unions to lobby me, the taxpayer, for more pay and benefits. The automobile unions have already driven the car industry into the dirt. What next, police departments? Many of those who are phoned end up donating, as they assume the caller to be a local police officer and they feel intimidated.

This phone number has been reported to “Who Called US?,”where other victims of telephone harassment report that their identity is “the polprotect” and that they use the following numbers to harass the public they are supposed to serve and protect: 804-225-9092, 800-225-9092 and 217-483-9596.

The Police Protective Fund has a web site where they identify themselves as a part of PoliceUSA.com. Check out that Charity Navigator gives them a “ZERO” rating and lists the salaries of their leaders. Here is what the Better Business Bureau reports about the Police Protective Fund:

On July 24, 2007, the Missouri attorney general’s office filed a lawsuit in St. Louis Circuit Court against Police Protective Fund (PPF) to stop misleading and harassing calls from the organization. According to the Missouri attorney general’s office, telemarketers working for PPF have made numerous calls into Missouri, representing that donations will help the families of law enforcement officers who die in the line of duty through PPF’s $10,000 “Line of Duty Death Benefits” program” (BBB.org).

Don’t bother reporting them to the National Do Not Call Registry. They do not cover “charities, political organizations, and telephone surveyors.”Cute, eh? At least Montgomery County, Maryland has issued a warning to its citizens about this “police charity scam,” as they label them.