Troops or Mercenaries?

Canadian Mercenaries

Although it was never built due to American outrage, last year Canadians had a grandiose plan to erect a bronze memorial to American Draft-dodgers and Deserters. So what are their feelings about the Canadian citizens who served with the non-draft-dodging Americans in Vietnam, to whom they have never given any official positive recognition? “Mercenaries” is the operative word. Pundit Ann Coulter has been roundly trashed because she revealed to Canadians that “Canada sent troops to Vietnam”. I have become more enlightened from my research on the subject, such that I now believe that Canadians object to the word “troops,” as they consider that their young countrymen who were drafted or signed on for military service with the United States weremercenaries.”

Remembering Canada’s Role in the Vietnam War
by Robin Collins, Peace and Environment News”, November 11th, 1992

The idea of Canadian complicity in the Vietnam war was once contrary to the customary mythology that “Americans fought and killed in Vietnam while Canadians opened their doors to conscientious objectors.” But these days, as memories fade and Vietnam war revisionism is buoyed by the end of the Cold War, there are new calls for official government recognition of the estimated 10,000 Canadians who served in Indochina as mercenaries. There has been de facto recognition already as a result of increased visibility of these soldiers at Remembrance Day ceremonies but some want the government to establish monuments to honour Canadian Vietnam war veterans. Is this a good idea?”

On Canada’s Remembrance Day, November 11th, 1992, “Peace and Environment News” asked “… some want the government to establish monuments to honour Canadian Vietnam war veterans. Is this a good idea?” Obviously, the answer to that question was “NO, it is not a good idea to honor Canadian Vietnam war veterans.” After all, there has been no honor given to them and now, fourteen years later, the Canadian government is rewriting history so that current generations do not even know there were Canadian soldiers fighting in Vietnam.

Canada’s Vietnam Veterans

7 Responses to Troops or Mercenaries?

  1. nagaijin says:

    So why don’t you write to the new conservative Canadian government and complain? Why don’t you write to your congressman? Why do you keep posting the exact same three or four old posts on a website?

  2. Neddy says:

    Don’t need to. I have a blog.

  3. nagaijin says:

    Yes, but have you noticed that nobody takes part in your blog except me and the lady you banned a few hours ago? You can’t accomplish any real change that way. Blogs are fun hobbies, that’s all. I misunderstood you. I thought you were serious in your views.

  4. Neddy says:

    Colin – that was NO LADY that I banned.

    Anyone who cares to is welcome to post here as long as he/she behaves civilly. However, I do not maintain any of my blogs to garner comments from others. I have my reasons, just as I am sure you have your reasons for blogging. I am always pleased when people read my writings, whether or not they agree with me or even comment. And believe me, my blogs get read, even years and years after I post.

  5. Justin says:

    Wow I am sorry I ever clicked on your site, after reading that pedantic piece of inane trash, it is no wonder people dislike you and your blog. Your inability to deal with criticism is sad and with all your red white and blue parroting, you turn out to be another hypocrite who espouse American virtues of freedom of speech while banning those that disagree and really from the number of comments etc I doubt anyone reads your blog regularly.

  6. Tony says:

    “Your inability to deal with criticism is sad and with all your red white and blue parroting, you turn out to be another hypocrite who espouse American virtues of freedom of speech while banning those that disagree and really from the number of comments etc I doubt anyone reads your blog regularly.”

    Well atleast he approved your post:)
    Everyone has a right to his/her opinion;) No need to start bashing around and insulting people when you don’t agree with him/her.
    Your post was uncalled;) If you don’t like the content then go find another blog or create your own and see how hard it is!
    just my 2 cents.