Mysteries of Canada

Yes, there was a time, in the long ago past, when Canadians and Americans publicly worked together for the common good. Those actions and days are now a part of the Mysteries of Canada.

Peter C. Lemon was born June 5, 1950, in Toronto, Ontario. He enlisted in the U.S. Army in Tawas City, Michigan and served with distinction in Vietnam. Sergeant Lemon, Company E, 2d Battalion, 8th Cavalry, 1st Cavalry Division, was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honour for his actions of April 1, 1970 in Tay Minh Province. Mr. Lemon now resides in Colorado, USA.

Canada and the United States…
What do we have in common?
Canadians know a lot about the US, while Americans (OK, maybe not all of them!) couldn’t find Canada on a map. But for all our difference, there are many things we have in common. One thing we share with the Americans is their Medal of Honor (Honour) recipients. There are 54 “known” Medal of Honor recipients who are or were from Canada.” (Mysteries of Canada)

Video from CBC of Ann Coulter and Bob McKeown

Quebec’s Vietnam Veterans Memorial

The North Wall

North Wall, Assumtion Park, Windsor, Ontario

How Many Canadians In Vietnam?

Canadians in Vietnam

Canada’s Involvement in Vietnam

Assumption Park Vandalism 1998

Allies in Vietnam

The North Wall and The Wall That Heals

2 Responses to Mysteries of Canada

  1. Valerie says:

    I spoke to a Canadian Veteran of the Vietnam War this afternoon. He said that of 17 of his buddies, only 4 of them survived. Yet, he said, none of the 13 that died are on the Wall. He said that he cannot even find information on his infantry platoon. I’ve looked, as well, since speaking to him and cannot find anything. Where is the best place to look for this kind of information? Thanks.

  2. Kerfuffles says:

    I am not sure which wall you are referring to; the North Wall, or the Vietnam Memorial in Washington? If you are speaking of the Wall in Washington DC, that has become a Treasure to both Americans and Canadians, names may still be added to that Memorial ( If you are speaking of The North Wall in Canada, I can only wish you luck.

    From what I have read on the Internet, specifically in an essay entitled “With Equal Pride of Place,” there are irreconcilable breaches between the Vietnam veterans organizations in Canada. It is quite sad, as it seems that the bitterness and resentments that Canadians harbored against their fellow countrymen who helped the U.S. fight Communism so long ago, have now infected the Vietnam veterans groups themselves. From what I am able to understand from the aforementioned writings, “The North Wall, Canadian Vietnam Veterans Memorial” has quite vociferously denied any association or affiliation with “The Canadian Vietnam Veterans Memorial Association, Windsor, ON“, accusing the latter group of not abiding by the original mandate of the Canadian Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

    According to the “With Equal Pride of Place” essay, many Canadian Vietnam veterans are complaining that the Canadian Vietnam Veterans Memorial, created with such great sacrifice by three Americans, “ … has turned into something that is much less honourable:” an “ego trip” for many of the Vietnam Veterans and their associates in Windsor, Ontario. The Canadian Vietnam Veterans Memorial Association of Windsor, which apparently has sole responsibly for The North Wall, has been accused of “a misrepresentation of lineage, Orders of Battle, and the service of all,” including “Canadian Peacekeepers who fell In Harm’s Way during the years 1962-1973,” … whatever all that means.

    All I can think is that it surely means sadness for all of the aging Vietnam Veterans who live in Canada. Fortunate it is, that many of Canada’s veterans of the Vietnam War never returned to their native land, choosing to live out their lives in the United States, where there is for all of us – The Wall, lovingly and respectfully maintained by the government of the United States of America.